
VOICEOVERS for Animations. Your animation production needs a voice with character? In one or more languages? The right voice can really make your animations come to life. And there is nothing more fun than dubbing voices for animation. The voices themselves think so too! So please send us your project details and we’ll gladly propose the voices and record your scripts. And if you want, we can do the sound fx spotting as well. With pleasure.

Please feel free to contact us with your project details.


References: ING, Coca-Cola, Canon, Centraal Aanmeldings Register, VLM, New B bank, Samsonite, MiniMax, MyDigipass, Promeco, Rainsafe, Esko, Truvo, Gouden Gids, PlayRight, RSZ, Gepir, ProDuo, Amicimi,, Printmachine,, I-tafel, Teamleader, Delhaize Wink, Insieme, Opleidingsaanbod Stad Antwerpen, and others.


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